Together with sound artist Adam Pultz, I am working on a sound installation titled Queer Sonic Fingerprint, which will be on show alongside an ongoing research program at Art Laboratory Berlin from 20 October until 1 December 2024, Opening 19 October.
How do bodies sound? And how can a group of ‘objects’ in a museum collection resonate in unexpected queer kin relations with one another? Our interactive multichannel sound installation makes these relations audible and speculatively imagines non-normative relations around ‘objects’ in collections of ethnological museums and beyond.
The installation amplifies the materiality of collections through sonic fingerprints—that is—the reflections of a body's unique acoustic characteristics. In a transdisciplinary encounter with sound processing and evolutionary computing via a queered genetic algorithm, dynamically changing fingerprints bring museum ‘objects’ to life in a multichannel sonic ecology.
Read more about the project here.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Dansk Komponistforening/KODA Kultur, and Sound Art Lab